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 Знайдено у інших БД:Наукові періодичні видання Університету (14)
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Cichoracki M. Quality of basic, tertiary education and adult learning in the European Union: the key trends/M. Cichoracki // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.10-21

Maciołek R. Kazimierz Marciniak’s views on science tasks/R. Maciołek // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.22-36

Riabova Y. Рrofessional training of future specialists in social sphere in the conditions of multicultural society/Y. Riabova // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.37-44

Charchuła J. "Оld" ideas in new social context. University and challenges of the global market of educational "services"/J. Charchuła // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.45-52

Sobczak-Michałowska M. Practical training of students at Polish universities using wsg university in bydgoszcz as an example/M. Sobczak-Michałowska // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.53-59

Sysoiev O. Circular economy education: experience of Finland/O. Sysoiev // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.60-68

Bogusz M. Care over the international students during COVID-19 lockdown/M. Bogusz // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.69-77

Koc R. Possibilities of application of cognitive-behavioral coaching in the education system/R. Koc // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.78-88

Żmudzka M. Managing self-development (self-creation) by the teacher/M. Żmudzka // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.89-99

Hrynevych L. Modernisation of the education management system in Kyiv under the conditions of implementing school autonomy/L. Hrynevych, K. Lynov, І. Shemelynets // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.100-113

Kaniewska-Mackiewicz E. Activation of older people with the use of occupational therapy/E. Kaniewska-Mackiewicz // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.114-124

Kozubska A. The role of dialogue in preventing aggression at school/A. Kozubska // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.125-139

Herzberg M. Possibilities for supporting the development of children disliked by peers due to anti-social behaviour/M. Herzberg // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.140-150

Shved O. Assessment of the needs of families raising children with disabilities in the practice of the ukrainian non-governmental organizations/O. Shved, I. Tkach // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2021,N № 6.-С.151-166
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