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 Знайдено у інших БД:Наукові періодичні видання Університету (10)
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Bybyk D. Social leadership: criteria, indicators and levels of formation in future social workers/D. Bybyk // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.72-80

Spirina T. Social and pedagogical support of students with disabilities in higher education institutions/T. Spirina, B. Grabowska, T. Liakh // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.62-71

Cubukcu F. Practices and perspectives of teacher trainees upon online language education programme/F. Cubukcu // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.81-90

Malec W. Computer-based testing: a necessary evil or a sensible choice?/W. Malec // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.100-113

Datsenko T. Social media and higher education institutions: using social networks to recruit students/T. Datsenko, О. Vyhovska, A. Sinko // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.91-99

Khalymon I. The preparation of future teachers: modern approaches to learning/I. Khalymon, S. Shevchenko // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.20-30

Pappas G. Case study: the didactic model of socio-cognitive theory of learning in the teaching of english as a foreign language. Teaching state and activity verbs/G. Pappas // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.10-19

Chalyi A. Synergetic principles of modernization of teaching natural disciplines forms in higher medical education/A. Chalyi, O. Sysoiev, K. Chalyy // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.31-38

Charchuła J. Institutionalization of science and the social functions of the university – difficulties and opportunities/J. Charchuła // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.50-61

Khanykina N. Logical and rational component of modern educational process/N. Khanykina, T. Bondar // The Modern Higher Educational Review. -Kyiv:Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2020,N № 5.-С.39-49
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