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Назва журналу :The Modern Higher Educational Review -2017р.,N 2
Цікаві статті :
Houston M. Partnership and collaboration in work-oriented learning in higher education/ M. Houston, K. Krueger, M. Osborne (стр.8-27)
Hruzd-Matuszczyk A. Collaboration of parents and teachers – from theoretical assumptions to their practical implementation (the case of polish school abroad)/ A. Hruzd-Matuszczyk (стр.28-35)
Sysoieva S. Teacher educators: from “the hidden profession” to revealed profession/ S. Sysoieva, I. Sokolova (стр.36-46)
Holubek V. The changing idea of higher education/ V. Holubek (стр.47-57)
Trotsko H. Modernization of educational practices in pedagogical universities/ H. Trotsko (стр.58-64)
Kulbashna Y. Methodology of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation on the base of cambridge methods of english language teaching/ Y. Kulbashna, V. Zakharova (стр.65-73)
Dereka T. Professional training of physical education specialists: the historical aspect (end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century)/ T. Dereka (стр.76-83)
Hryshchuk Y. Implementation of educational reforms during the 1990s in Poland: obstacles and conditions/ Y. Hryshchuk (стр.84-89)
Batechko N. Higher education, quality of higher education, expert support and its assurance: the canonization of concepts (theoretical and methodological discourse)/ N. Batechko (стр.92-100)
Durdas A. Contemporary development tendencies of higher education in France/ A. Durdas (стр.101-109)
Antony-Newman M. Ukrainian university students in canada: cultural capital and educational experiences/ M. Antony-Newman (стр.112-122)
Nicas A. Greek in ukraine: results of work and prospects for the development of the Greek philology and translation department at mariupol state university/ A. Nicas, E. Macri (стр.123-127)
Bobrytska V. Educational portal seen as a key component of informatisation of contemporary tertiary education/ V. Bobrytska (стр.130-137)
Kosteva T. The impact of modern pedagogical conditions on the information competence formation of social work graduate students/ T. Kosteva, E. Faichuk (стр.138-144)
Proshkin V. The modern trends in future foreign language teachers` training to ict usage in their future career/ V. Proshkin, O. Glushak, N. Mazur (стр.145-153)
Ogrodzka-Mazur E. Students training – future teachers of early school education for work in culturally diversified environment/ E. Ogrodzka-Mazur (стр.156-167)
Onishchuk I. Foreign language education as a philosophical, social, psychological and pedagogical category/ I. Onishchuk (стр.168-172)
Zheyuan W. Technology experimental implementation of intercultural education of students by music activities/ W. Zheyuan (стр.173-177)
Bartosiak L. The role of father in child care in the rural family: provision of material needs/ L. Bartosiak (стр.178-183)
Цікаві статті :
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Форма документа :
Шифр видання :
Автор(и) : Kulbashna Y., Zakharova V.
Назва : Methodology of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation on the base of cambridge methods of english language teaching [Electronic resource]
Місце публікування : The Modern Higher Educational Review. - Kyiv: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2017. - № 2. - С. 65-73. - DOI 10.28925/2518-7635.2017.2.6 (Шифр T017777504/2017/2). - DOI 10.28925/2518-7635.2017.2.6
Форма і об'єм ресурсу: Електронні текстові дані
Примітки : Назва з титул. екрана
Перейти до зовнішнього ресурсу https://edreview.kubg.edu.ua/
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